Years ago you would find me in the backyard making jerky out of whatever was on my cheap SunBeam Gas Grill. Luckily for me, my kids were too young to know what good food off the grill should taste like. We couldn't get enough of those overcooked Baby Back ribs s
mothered in cheap sauce. I can remember tearing through the membrane with my teeth, thinking "..Man, some parts of these ribs are Tough, but they sure taste good..." I simply scorched those puppies over direct heat for about an hour with a squirt bottle in near constant use to control the flare-ups.....I loved grilling then as I do now but smile and sometimes cringe when looking back at the punishment I doled out to whatever piece of meat fell victim to my grill. If only we had video of my cooking performance,, it would be a family hit to be sure. I can remember sitting at the table while we sawed through steaks smothered with A1 sauce and my wife pointing out that a good steak should be pink in the middle......."Huh, that was news to me" All I can ever remember was eating steak as a kid with copius amounts of Steak Sauce. .....There were many of those little critiques in the early years that helped me along. I've since learned that the basic process for a good steak starts with the cut of meat, continues with a good sear on a hot grill and ends by removing it from the grill at just the right time.
All the marinades and cooking techniques in the world are not going to make a cheap and over-cooked steak taste good.
Good Beef, Kosher Salt, Pepper, and a hot grill is All you need. Forget about the fancy Gas Rigs and if your using A1 sauce, you've left the meat on the grill way too long.......
20oz Ribeye Monsters
No sides Required !
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