Saturday, October 4, 2008

Black and Whites - Busted!

So at about 1:00 a.m on a cool and damp Pacific Northwest October night, I ventured out back to make some adjustments to the smoker and to check on Mr. Pork Butt.

Not more than 10 feet away in the shadows, two very plump Raccoons were putting the raid on our plum tree. I snapped about 30 pictures while banging around with the smoker lid and getting tangled up with my Therm's. You would have thought I was in their yard. These guys could have cared less - No Fear.

As I went to bed the thought crossed my mind. Man! that butt smelled good on the smoker and would those guys be so bold to put the moves on the Weber Bullet?

No worries though, by morning the little 6LB Butt was all barked up and ready for foil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A quick shot and you could have been smoking coon the next weekend. Better than road kill I am told. Keith